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Friday, March 9, 2012

A Year Ago Tonight I Talked to You Last

It's been a year ago tonight since the last time I heard you tell me you love me and you miss me. I really miss you Cody. I still feel it is all so surreal and that you are just on some long vacation somewhere or where you can't call right now.

My birthday has come and gone again. Last year you wanted to be here for my birthday but you didn't make it. It seems like yesterday you and I were talking about that and you were asking if you could bring your spider and your lizard with you when you came. Just like it seems like yesterday that you and I talked and I 3-wayed to Omi so she could talk to you. It doesn't seem like a year has passed but yet it has. I do so miss you Cody and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you in some way or another.

Tomorrow we bring Storm's truck home. Yes, I said a truck.. funny huh? No he didn't want a truck but it is a really good one and I will feel a bit better that he is in a truck then in some little car instead when he drives around. The money we had left of yours has helped to pay for it and I know you would be happy with that. I payed for the rest of it. Now he just needs to get his regular driver license.

It was friday night this time last year actually that I got that phone call from Jessica. It changed my entire life. My life will never be the same ever again. I talk a lot about you to other people. You are still part of my life even though you aren't here with me anymore other than in my memories.

We have some more baby chicks and I remember how crazy you were about the ones we had before you left. I know how much you would enjoy being here with us and being around all the new animals. You always loved animals as much as I do.

You would also be happy to know that I quit smoking as well. I want you to know that I did that for you as much as for myself and Storm. I still love to smoke and I miss it but after your accident I wanted to do something myself just with you in mind. You hated me smoking so much and always made such a bit issue out if it when I was around you. Times when I really want one I just think of you.

I love you so much Cody and I miss you, miss you, miss you!! I wish I could just rewind the clock to this day a year ago. You are in my heart and in my mind and in my life forever. Sleep well my son - mom.

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