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Saturday, June 4, 2011


You know I decided to look at Shannon's FaceBook page for the day when you had your accident. You know Cody, she never liked you at all and we both knew that. She always complained about you whenever you would go down there. The day after your accident she made it all about her. She wasn't your mother, never even tried to be a real Step-Mother to you either. You were always competition to her children, since you were David's firstborn child and only child with me. She couldn't do anything about Brandy since Brenda and her were friends and if she wanted to alienate Brenda then she would have had to treat Brandy like she did you. But since you had no bearing on Brenda and her relationship, and my relationship with her was non existent she could alienate you from her.

Nowhere did she even post anything on her page about me, your mother. No she only worried about herself and made it out as like she was the only one and her kids dealing with your accident. Everything about Shannon has always been just about her and no one else. The more drama she creates that she is a part of the happier she is.

I remember all the summers you spent there when Granny and Pa had you come out to see them and they would still send you down there even after promising me they wouldn't do it. You would call me up all miserable and sad and just wanting to come home because you were so unhappy there. You were always the red-headed Step-Child there just like you were with Larry. Never accepted, never loved and always treated badly. You could do no right and everything you did was wrong.

How many times she would call me and tell me she didn't like you and how you were interfering in "Her" family and creating conflicts in her home. And you were just the most evil child she ever came across. Yet it is just amazing to me how you turned out so great and Andrew is the one using drugs, smoking cigarettes and drinking and is not anywhere near as smart or great as you. You who never used drugs or drank much ever and hated anyone smoking. Yet you were so bad? No you were great and you turned out so awesome made me so proud to call you my son. Even though sometimes I said the opposite when you were doing stupid stuff that I felt you shouldn't be doing. But I told you over and over many times how proud of you I was.

You were great and when I look at your other brother I wonder about that. None of them on that side of your family really gave a shit to ever keep in touch with you. Only now that you are gone they try and make it all about them when it isn't, they had their chances and chose not to when they had the opportunity to do so. I know you might not like what I am saying but I have to say it. It all weighs heavy on my heart and on my mind. I despise all the fake pretenses of how much you are missed by some that never had much to do with you in the first place or who never loved you to begin with.

I have always been outspoken where you are concerned and stuck up for you and I am going to say now all the things that are on my mind where you are concerned and all repercussions be damned over it. I am your Mother and I will always be that and I will always look out for you regardless of anything. The rest can just screw themselves.

I love you so much and I miss you so much - Sleep well my son - mom

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