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Friday, March 22, 2013

2 years nowCo


It has been 2 years now. I don't feel any different today then I did that night. I still miss you and wish that it never happened.

I haven't looked beyond that day. I remember all the good days and even the bad we had. I remember the jokes and the funny times. I can still see your face when said things and made remarks that I won't even mention. I miss those days and those smiles and the look on your face. I wish I could turn the clock back and get you back in my life.

I wish I would have called you that day. I wish I could have spoken to you that Friday before your accident. I miss having you in my life and I know Brandy and Storm do as well. I am having such a hard time on this day of missing you. The memories are too hard to handle sometimes.

I quit smoking but yet today I am because I miss you so much and needed to have a beer. I am not doing the memory of you very much honor today because of that. I am sorry Cody. It has been 2 weeks now and I am not doing any better.

I have your urn in my bed again because I need you close to me. I miss you so much Cody and I wish you were here with us. I still hope to hear from you to receive a call on my phone from you. I am having such a hard time realizing you are no longer here with me.

I have all thee memories of you and some are good and some are bad but yet I see the smile on your face and the jokes you played. I wish you would come home and make it all seem like a really bad dream.

Luna is still here waiting on you to come home and be her master again and her to be your chow. She loves you and misses you. If only I could go back in time and talk to you and get you to make a different choice that night.

None of them are here for you now. None of them remember you now. None of them care about that night anymore and what it cost. All of them have gone on with their lives and you a just a fading memory of that night. But I remember, I will always remember because that is the night I lost you. You can never be replaced. You were a one of a kind Cody. You were my SON and I will love you until the day I am gone. Storm and Brandy will LOVE you for all the days of their life as well.

Most of them have moved on and you are just someone they knew and that has left this earth. I love you forever Cody, you were my son, you were my light, you were one of my heartstrings, and I miss you I will always miss you for as long as I live! Sleep well my son - mom