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Friday, May 6, 2011

The Road to California

I have been thinking about this for a while now, when we moved to California. You and I loaded up the car with what we had and headed out. I had bought a CB radio for the trip because you remember how I always had one whenever I drove long distances anywhere. You loved talking on it. "Breaker one nine" and you called yourself the Green Hornet.

We hooked up with those PRIME drivers and ran with them for hundreds of miles. We all stopped to get something to eat and sat and talked for a couple of hours at the truck stop. One of them told us all about his pet panther he had. His handle was Panther. You asked if you could ride with the older one and he said you could and you thought that was just the neatest thing to be able to ride in a big truck. You kept talking with me over the CB just having a blast.

So the 3 of us headed out again with you in the big truck in the front me in the middle and the one that called himself Panther behind me.

That night when we stopped to eat dinner they asked where we were sleeping and I said in the car at a rest area and they bought us a hotel room for the night. So we got to sleep in beds instead of the car that night. We met them for breakfast the next day and ran together again for a bit until they had to get off and go their way, and we had to go ours.

When we got close to the Grand Canyon I asked you if you wanted to stop and see it and you said you wanted to. It was cold and had actually snowed some and was quite overcast but we went there and stopped and went to the the different look out spots to see. Although it was real foggy and you really couldn't see all the way across the Canyon that day. But you had so much fun running around just looking at stuff.

Then we finally made it to California and to Uncle Hans's house where we stayed for a little while. And another story starts at this point of our lives doesn't it?

I love you very much Cody and I miss you so very much, not a minute passes I don't think about you. Some day maybe I won't cry anymore but that day hasn't come yet. I am not even sure if I will ever be ok again, but I am trying.

I love you Cody and miss you more each day - Sleep well my son - mom.

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