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Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's almost your 25th Birthday

Well Cody, Omi was here with me all week from Sunday until yesterday. We went to some seminar classes all week at Wildwood. It was pretty interesting for the most part. I gave away the last 2 of Luna's puppies last Sunday before Omi got here. A guy came over and took both of them for his 2 little girls and they will have 5 acres to run around on. I am sure they will love it there.

I thought about you a lot all week long and I really missed watching the DVD. I really couldn't because Omi was here and she doesn't agree with me watching it so much. I had so many memories going on inside my head, stuff I had almost forgotten because it was so long ago.

When you were almost 2 or about 2 and one of your baby teeth had come in sort of clear and I took you to the dentist and I had to hold you down and you poor baby screamed and screamed, because they waited so long after giving you the medicine to make you calm and sleepy to remove the tooth and by the time they finally called you back there the medicine was long gone in your system. They pulled out that baby tooth.

How you got your first stitches when you were about 3 or so because Granny gave you a pocket knife and the first thing you did was cut your wee little finger. It was at night and Pa called one of the dr.s from the church and drove you to their house and they stitched up your poor little finger.

I was thinking how we grew up together so to speak. I was 20 when I sissy and 26 when I had you. I worked a lot after I had you two, with sissy I worked 2 jobs a lot of the time. After you came along I ended up going back to Florida and starting the cabinet shop and I did that for 3 years or so.

It's like I was growing up with you and sissy at the same time you both were. We were close and like the 3 musketeers. We played video games together and watched movies together and listened to music together and did a lot of stuff together. I miss those days - playing Mario Brothers together and laughing and having so much fun. I wish we could all go back to those days.

I love you so much Cody, and I miss you more and more - Sleep well my son - mom

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