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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cody's Memorial


I am pretty upset about what happened to your memorial and extremely upset at the person that took everything down.

The fact that someone has the gall and the balls to take stuff that does not belong to them and is not on their property and to put it all in the garbage just infuriates me. What on God's green earth gave him the right to decide to take what others put up to memorialize you and to honor your remembrance?

Not only does he take it all and throw it all away he lies and claims he left it up for 5 months when you have only been gone for 4 and nothing was really put up until your birthday on July 10th. The only other thing that was placed there was put up in May on Memorial day so that was only there for 2 months.

Leesa spent a tremendous amount of time making the cross for your Birthday Memorial and that was taken and destroyed and the other cross that was placed there on Memorial Day was also removed and thrown away. The angel that Sissy put there on your birthday was taken along with all the pictures that were placed on the pole. The message to you from Storm was taken.

How insensitive can a person be to take and remove those items and throw them away? The pictures on the Utility pole alone defiantly were not on his property and he had absolutely no right to remove them. The people in the house one over didn't even know they were there and that only shows how unobtrusive they were and that they were not a distraction to drivers anywhere. 

He left the Trix candy bar rapper there next to the pole and if he owned the property why did he not remove the trash? Why has he not mowed around that area? Why? because he does not own it in the first place and what he did was wrong by all accounts.

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