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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Day you were Born

I can remember that day like it was yesterday... You weren't due for a few more days.. But me being me didn't want to take a chance you would be born on a certain date - reasons not being mentioned.. so I had gone down and bought some castor oil.. Since with Sissy the Dr. had made me take it like 4 times before she was born and it never worked.. so I had been told way back then that if you weren't ready to be born it just wouldn't work.. So I took it around noon with some diet coke.. gosh that stuff is nasty going down.. I went into the living room and laid down for a while and around 5 o'clock I noticed I was having contractions.. so I though ok.. I will just go for a walk down the road to the next street up and back to help speed things a long a bit.. I started timing them around 6 or so.. I started timing them.. I told mom and we called Eddith and she headed up.. We had Joey so Brandy and Joey were down in the living room and the bedroom upstairs was all readied and the bathroom and been kept lysoled for a while already in preparation of your birth..

Omi was going to deliver you and you were supposed to be born at home.. Well I would walk and walk and walk all around the top deck above the garage.. I did that for hours.. But you didn't come and you didn't come.. Everyone was starting to worry about that.. Well around 5:30 a.m. I couldn't take it anymore.. it was hurting to even try and push anymore.. So I told David we better go to the hospital.. I rode in the backseat lying down.. When we got to the hospital they put me in some room and the nurses there were like was Mrs. Schermerhorn going to deliver for you? Because when they asked why I waited so long I said was going to have you at home...

I told them no that she was out of town and wouldn't tell them anything else.. The Dr. came in and checked me out.. broke my water and promptly left the room.. I had the next contraction and wow Cody you were right there ready to meet this world head on.. I told the nurse and she tried to tell me I was wrong and I told her you were on your way.. She had to check that out for herself of course because I guess who am I to tell her what is happening with me.. Well she freaked and headed out the door running after the retreating Dr.

Well the Dr. got back in but they were so worried about putting gloves on him since he had discarded the others on the way out of the room.  In the meantime here you came.. David said the Dr. barely caught you before you went off the end of the bed they had me on.. He said he was about ready to punch the Dr. They rushed you out of the room so I didn't even get to see you... They stuck you under a heat lamp I was told.. I laid there in the nasty bed for about 45 mins or so before they finally admitted me and moved me to a room..

I found out from David later that although there was only one other baby in the nursery that morning the nurses forgot about you being under the heat lamp and you ended up being under there way longer then you should have been. They were laughing about it when they realized it which really got David mad... I didn't get to see you for hours.. But when I did you were the prettiest baby .. you even had blonde hair already...

I got to keep you in my room for a long time before they came and took you away..

That is what the day was like the day you were born and God gave you to me..

I love you Cody, sleep well my son - mom

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