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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cody's First Hair Cut by Me

It is an amazing thing about children - They will eat anything, wear anything, and do what you say, until outside influences start cutting into their lives.. Until that time - they really have not major likes or dislikes.

That was the way it was with Cody - he ate anything always loved whatever you put in front of him and never really disliked much of anything but Brussel Sprouts. Only thing I ever really found he didn't like. He was my spinach eating partner :)

Ok, yes I know this is about his first hair cut by me.. It wasn't his first hair cut though.. OH NO.. his first hair cut they did without my permission and OH BOY was I MAD.. Cody you would't have remembered that as you were only about 2 or 3 at the time.. Yes, they took him down and cut off his hair.. Knowing how mad I would be..

He had beautiful long blonde hair.. well, like I said children don't think anything about things until other people start making big deals about stuff... Then sometimes they will agree to agree.. or to make you happy, or for whatever reason..

Well, it was always a problem for Omi, Granny and Pa that he had long hair.. As he got older they would make comments about it trying to get him to agree that he didn't like it long.. Sort of what people have done to Storm all his life as well.  He was about 9 and came home at the end of summer and again he was complaining to have it cut because he of course heard about it again over his vacation back east.

After the first time they cut his hair no one dared to do it again :)  Anyway so he comes home and he was doing the normal after hearing about it for weeks again how it was wrong to have long hair and be a boy, did he want to look like a girl? etc, etc, etc.

So I came home from work one day and he was in his room and I saw hair on the floor and scissors and when I saw what he did, oh boy.... no he didn't cut off the back of his hair.. no nothing like that.. no he had cut off his bangs right to the scalp all across the front of his face..

Nothing I could have done to rectify the damage he had created by doing that.. I was upset to say the least because it was only the influences of other members of the family that had him do it in the first place.. prior to that he had liked it and didn't mind it or ever ask to have it cut off.

So I got a hair band and pony-tailed up all his hair and cut it off at the scalp.. got out the Oster electric razor and burred his head.. He never had long hair again after that..

But that reminds me as well when we moved here from California and Storm was in kindergarten at Apison Elementary and the principal had the odacity to call me up and tell me I had to cut Storm's hair because other kids were upset because it was long and that the other boys didn't like it when he went into the boys room to use the restroom..

My response to that principal was that if kids were upset about the length of his hair it only showed me that they were being raised by a bunch of narrow-minded parents. I was not going to cut his hair just because she or the kids at the school didn't like it.. Remember that Cody? you were about 15 at the time.. You even agreed with me on that :)

Well I hope you enjoyed this memory.. I love you Cody and I miss you so much - Sleep well my son - mom

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