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Monday, April 4, 2011

Your Plants

I missed my ride with Ann next door the other day to catch a ride to Big Lots. So I called Fanny the other night and asked her if she wouldn't mind running me up when she got a chance.  So bless her Fanny came over yesterday evening and took me down to Big Lots to buy some pots for the plants.

I forgot to get a Memory Box though, darn I was mad at myself when I realized I had forgotten that. I got up early this morning and Storm was still up he never went to sleep all night - Pulled a you and stayed up all night and was hoping I am sure to sleep all day long. But I got him up around 3 in the afternoon to give me a hand with  getting some of the stuff put into the shed/garage whatever in the back yard there. Then he helped me set up all the plants I had potted. He kept banging his head on the black hanging basket and complaining ha ha..

Then he got the chainsaw so I could chop down that awful tree in front of my bedroom window.. Poor Storm there was gas in it but not enough and he must have tried for half an hour to get it started pulling and pulling.. Finally I told him maybe just not enough gas in there and sure enough it started after we put more in there.

I asked him if he wanted to do it but he didn't so I chopped it down while he removed the branches as I cut them off.  I chopped down that little oak tree as well that was trying to grow in the middle of the lilies there in the side front of the yard.. 

I guess Omi re-potted her as well yesterday because she called me in the late afternoon after talking to Sissy and said I guess we did the same thing today!  

She is still all worried that Luna is pregnant but I guess time will tell in a few more weeks or so.. Sometime towards the end of the year though I will breed her with Mojo and let Beverlee have pick of the litter for Takoda.. I know you would have really liked that!  That will be the only time I will breed her I think.. maybe breed China once as well but that is all.. I miss Luna around the house as well but you know how the three of them were together sometimes. 

All the plants look good out there and hopefully my green thumb will return so I can keep them all healthy and living.. When I go out there it reminds me of you and makes me think about you a lot.. Not that I don't, I still keep you with me here in the house where I go and you still get the middle of the bed at night.. Where you used to always worm your way onto my bed and push me over to the side! I can still see you all around the house.. I was telling Jeff yesterday when he came back to roto-till the garden since I had, had it done the day you had your accident and never went back out into the back yard after that.. The tree you chopped down for me last spring still laying there where you never chopped it up.. and how after you had sawed it down you told me - Mom that is how you chop a tree down!  because I had started on it and then Storm had gone into the house to tell you to come do it so I didn't hurt my back more.. and you came out and took the chainsaw from me and finished it off.. 

Then you sawed down some of the branches of the tree in the middle of the yard as well.. We had the puppies running around the yard and you and Storm were playing with them.. Storm is home for Spring Break this week so I have him to help some.  He finished up the weed eating for me in the front yard today.. I got most of it done but he did the section in front of my bedroom window for me.. 

Thursday he leaves for North Carolina to go to Ashville to the Planetarium there to take a course.. He is looking forward to that.. I will miss him.. the house will be so empty for the 2 days he is gone.. He will learn how to use a radio telescope.. Then the next week he will leave on Wednesday for Orlando, Florida for the band trip to Disney World where they will be playing as well.. So the next few weeks for him are pretty full with some things to do.. But will be quite lonely for me :(  

I called your phone the other day just so I could hear your voice.. I miss talking to you :(  You laughing or telling me something funny or what you have been doing.. or just hearing you tell me.. Mom I didn't call you for a lecture!.. I know I have to get on track and do things but it's so hard to motivate myself right now.. I do something and then I start thinking and I get depressed and just want to lie down and not do anything else.. I keep forgetting to take my BP medicine guess it's been a few days again now.. but not even sure now where I put it the last time I took it... my arm has been bothering me and I know it is just stress and everything so I keep telling myself I am ok and not is wrong with me.. I can't have a panic attack - wouldn't be good for Storm at all .. so I just keep telling myself I am ok.. 

I wish I could get him to spend some time outside of his bedroom with me but he just stays in there for the most part.. Every now and then he comes out to talk for a few minutes. But then he is gone again holed up in his bedroom.  I sit here on the couch until evening and then go lie in my room.. But at least I have finally made the transition from just staying in my room all the time to at least coming out here during the day now.. 

It is only 4 in the afternoon and the day has seemed endless today.. I talked to the neighbors across the street today.. first time since your accident.. I happened to catch their dad outside while I was weedeating.. told him to tell his daughter how much we appreciated her posting on your wall after the accident.. he just said, sorry about your loss we heard.. I knew they had as Ann had told them the next day after your accident.. and as Rachel had posted on your wall.. they just never said anything or came across the street or said anything when we were outside and they were as well.. Always seems odd to me how people you know that are close to you either in proximity or relationship wise can't acknowledge things sometimes.. guess some folks are just like that.. 

I am just glad I was not raised that way and neither were you.. I am still upset with the fact you never got to tell Pa you were sorry to hear about Mary.. but again it wasn't because you didn't try.. I am proud of you for that even though I know you didn't like her much.. I should have called him but I didn't, but you know how he always got with me on the phone and it would have ended up the way it always did and me hanging up on him.  Plus he had never called to give me his new number anyway so I guess he didn't want to hear from me. 

Well Cody I guess I am going to go for now and maybe see if I can get some of the Honeysuckle planted before it starts to rain.. I think I have a little bit of energy left to do that and I need to get them into the ground.. I love you and I miss you so much Cody!! - Sleep well my son - mom.

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