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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How we met Jay

I was reading on Beverlee's wall today how Takoda is sick and it reminded me of the time when you were about his age and we had just moved up to that huge house on the mountain there in Bradley County. Brandy was still going to the school in Apison because when school had started we first lived with Granny and Pa in their house there in Apison.

We didn't have a phone there in that house on the mountain. You had gotten really sick and I was taking you to the pediatrician that morning after I dropped Sissy off at school in Apison.  The car your dad had bought me there was something going out on it and he hadn't looked at it, and that morning I couldn't get him up as usual to take me in.. in his truck...

It was real early in the morning and I always took all the back roads to Apison because that was the quickest way to get to the school.  The car died on me and here I was just sitting in the car not knowing what to do now. You were sick and Sissy had to get to school.  And here comes a pick-up truck.. The guy stopped and asked me what was wrong.. I told him I had no idea and had to get Sissy to school and needed to get you to the Doctor because you were so sick.. And here he was had work to do and all and he told me to get both you kids and jump in the truck.

He introduced himself and said his name was Jay.  He drove us to Apison and dropped Sissy off at school. Then he asked me where your Doctor was, I told him and he drove you and I over there and waited while we saw the Doctor.. Then he took me to get the prescriptions I needed and to the store to get a bunch of Pedialite for you. Then God bless him he stopped off at McDonalds and got me something to eat and even got your dad some food.

Then he drove me home, he even came into the house and your dad as usual was still sleeping.. He introduced himself and explained what happened with my car.. He even told your dad to stop by where he worked the next day and he would give your dad a job. He was the Foreman for the property of someone there in the country.

He became a good friend of mine and I know you were little the last time we lived in Bradley county there on the county line but he would still come see us and make sure everything was ok with us all the years that we knew him.  Of course when we moved back here in 2000 I couldn't find out what happened to him as he no longer worked where he had. But you when you were little and he would come see us you really loved him. He was always so good to you kids.

I just wanted to share the memory of that with you Cody, I know you didn't know how I met him but he was a good friend for many years to us.

I love you and I miss you so much Cody, Sleep well my son - mom

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