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Friday, April 1, 2011

The King Snake

Ok, so I was talking to Jess earlier and I thought today Cody, I would blog something about a memory from our days when we lived in California. Something good, funny and to make people smile when they read this!

You remember the King snakes we had when we lived with Larry, right? How I was always so adamant about the mice that were bought had to be boys and then only white ones because I didn't like white mice with beady red eyes? Colored mice were too cute in my book and I couldn't handle them being eaten....

Remember the one snake we had that Larry went and bought baby rats for because he swore up and down the snake was big enough to eat a baby rat? I had told him they were too big and the snake was too small to eat them and he went anyway and got them?  Who was right? Yep, it was me the rats killed the snake...

So he found another one and brought it home on one of his fishing trips to Lake Berryessa.  Well at least he learned on the first one and never tried the baby rats again. You boys would go with him to the pet store and pick out mice to feed it. Man you kids loved to watch it eat.. never could figure that one out..

But the one time I had gone to the pet store and picked up two white mice for it and brought them home and you boys watched when I dropped them into the tank for it.. and well it ate the one but the other one was still there and running around and the snake never ate it. Not that day or the next, or the next week, or even the next month.

That snake and that mouse lived together in that tank for months as housemates... It got to the point that we were worrying about the snake and that it should be eating it.. That mouse got so fat living in that tank with the snake and they even slept together.. Was like they got to be best buds there after a while.

Remember we went to the pet store and bought him another mouse? We dropped that one in there and boy that snake jumped on it so fast and ate it. But he just wouldn't eat the other one.. I don't remember now what we named it as it was so long ago but you boys even named that mouse.

So I went and got a habit-trail, remember? You all set up the habit-trail and put the mouse in there and I don't remember what happened but somehow it got broke or something and we had to put him back in with the snake? By that time we figured he must have forgotten he was his buddy and he did eat him?

This is just a memory I had about a time in our lives that we all can remember, those of us that were there and can remember it or share with those that never heard the story before.. I can still see you boys all around the tank watching the snake eat and how amazed you guys always were about it.. and about that mouse that lived with that snake for about 5 or 6 months and never got eaten until my mistake about getting him a habit trail to live in.

I love you and I miss you so much Cody, I wish I could share these memories with you in person but I cannot anymore so I will share them here with you and with others who care to read them. Sleep well my son - mom

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